Friday, January 22, 2010

Al Filreis

I've begun following Al Filreis's blog. 

O, brave new cyber-world, that has such resources in it!

Filreis is an instructor at the University of Pennsylvania, whose English and American and Modern poetry curriculum includes copious notes and explanations of the poetic basics, which I'm cribbing like mad and posting to the Queer Poetry group on Yahoo.

1 comment:

  1. I looked at the site, which is fantastic!

    I'll be going back again and again. There's a LOT to read through.

    I'll leave the cribbing to you, but I thought I'd lift the Yahoo group "Collaborative Poetry" postings (one the poem's done) and use them for a post on "Riding the Waves," which seems to be evolving as the poetry-focused blog.

    "Todd Surfs LB CA" seems to be more personal.
